Shorty Samantha's Dream.......... Wed Feb 3 15:59:04 1999 Hello,Friends and Enemys(Well just Samantha really!!) I have thought of a new way to piss samantha off........ Samantha's Dream.Enjoy!!(Apart from Samantha I hope after this you leave!!) SaMaNtHa-I wunder wots appenen on the soniic pandamokum messe bored? (On the message board) SaMaNtHa-Oh wuw luuk at thut!! (See comments on there like ''your Cool Samantha''e.t.c....) SaMaNtHa-I fink i wull gust red one. (On the message) Shorty-I'm really sorry Samantha I was mistaken your really cool!! SaMaNtHa-Hu!!Um thu bestt!! (On the Second message...) Soneec-Please forgive me!!!I will take you off my losers section Now!!!!!! SaMaNtHa-Yusss!!!Nuw i cun be Sonnnnecs frend!!! (Phone rings...) Samanthas Mum-Samantha its for you!!!! SaMaNtHa-Guv it two mu!!! (Hands her phone) SaMaNtHa-Hullu.....Yuss spuckung.....u wunt me to be primuministur fur ever!!!!! (She Wakes up) SaMaNtHa-Rulaity stepud orr wot? Shorty P.S Soneec if you ever update Losers 3 and think this is funny put this in here!!! PP.S Comments Please!!!